Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Teachers set to take strike authorization vote

The Chicago Public Schools has proposed a five-year deal that guarantees teachers a 2 percent pay raise in the first year of the five-year contract as well as the introduction of "differentiated pay" that could be tied to a host of criteria ? including taking hard-to-fill jobs and leadership positions at their schools. "The CTU is jumping the gun and we are concerned that the union is getting more aggressive and confrontational," said Rebeca Nieves Huffman, the state director for Democrats for Education Reform, which launched a major advertising media campaign imploring parents to voice their concerns about the vote. Carroll said having the vote before the end of the school year means that about 1,500 retiring teachers who will not be affected by the vote can cast ballots, and that a couple thousand new teachers will be tied to a deal they couldn't vote on. [...] she said, "It doesn't make any sense to take a strike vote before teachers know what is on the table."

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